Friday, May 7, 2010

Would it be nice?

So it's been a while since I have had time to write anything on here. Sorry about that! Hopefully I'll be able to keep this a bit more current...

I have had much on my mind lately-- though I suppose that is nothing too peculiar. Regardless, the question then becomes where to start? Should I ramble about yesterday's thought train for fear it will be lost tomorrow, or should I instead divulge today's queries? I think right now, I would prefer the latter.

Today. Today (which almost surely, by the time you are reading this, has long become yesterday, last week, or some other semblance of time run out)I was sitting in a movie theater. As I was watching the film the thought occurred to me of how comfortable I was and of how nice it would be to forget about God, Jesus, eternity, heaven, and hell. Of how nice it would be to not care about anyone's soul. Of how nice it would be to just live my life and enjoy it without looking ahead to eternity and having to feel like I needed to care about other people's eternities. After all it is draining to look around and know that most likely the majority of the people that you see are headed for forever pain, suffering, and torment. I guess I was musing on the freedom of just not caring because heck, if I don't care then I can be as selfish as I want. I can live for me as much as I want-- I wouldn't care. Of course I don't really agree with these thoughts. I need to care about God. I need to care about eternity. I need to care about others. I want to. I just found the whole episode interesting to ponder.
First of all it is a classic example of my selfishness and sin. Only extreme depravity would prefer to sit back and sip lemonaid instead of helping prevent the needless eternal damnation of others.
Secondly, it shows me that I need to constanly grow my relationship with Christ because our natural self is so prone to take over. If my personal comfort means more to me than my relationship with the Lord then I have a serious problem... the crazy thing is it is SO EASY to slip into that place and way of thinking.
Thirdly, it brought to my attention once again how little the modern American church actually cares about people. When was the last time you heard about a church actually evangelizing straight up? Instead we pretend that inviting people to church (a church which probably is so concerned with being "hip" that it is afraid to just preach the Bible)is somehow equivalent to personally sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. What does more good, entertaining lost souls in a "relevant worship service" or telling someone the truth of their soul's standing before God (in love)? I think this all comes back to our desire to be comfortable. It's like we pretend to care about other's souls, but in reality we don't care enough to actually do anything because that is uncomfortable.

Oh Lord help us! We are so human and frail. May Your truth overtake and consume us. May the REALITY of eternity become a burning passion in us. Give us faith to believe and courage to do something about it. Without You we fail, plain and simple. Please help us when we don't care or don't want to care. Please make it all so real to us. Thank You, Jesus! Amen.